In Apocalypto, the central character is teaching the audiences how to negotiate and discuss fear so that if the death were to come it is accepted as well as living. In most movies that are of action type we experience aimlessly tense that no injury must come to someone who is pursued (we must even now have prey hearts to be identified easily with the chased person and not the chaser). It takes us with the harsh reality of having to discuss our potential destruction or continued presence in such world where the most monstrous cruelty will appear not mainly from the wild beasts’ world, but from the common hands of other human being, even those people have common culture and language. The father of Jaguar Paw (Youngblood) always teach him not feel fear because the fear leads to death.
Their disrespect of the people and villagers and religious fanaticism in the lower level people hierarchies whom they not required as important for their sacrifices idiotic nature made them become the focal point of the hatred of the adjacent villages and towns, generally living in the center of forests.Īpocalypto movie is a meditation and a thought on fear. In the movie there is nothing secret that the Empire of Mayan was in total decay at the arrival time of Spaniards on the Atlantic Ocean shore. But whereas the Gibson’s Passion of The Christ and Braveheart had the advantage of an attractive story to go in conjunction with bloodshed, Apocalypto emerges to be all about presenting violence for the sake of violence. The religious fascination of Gibson with seeing men, who are almost naked, tortured persists with Apocalypto. The cinematography, sets, make-up, and costumes are greatly portrayed, which is vividly recalling the halcyon days of the Mayans. Apocalypto is a great movie by Mel Gibson.